Thursday, June 8, 2017

This is our last week of school. On Tuesday we went to Old World Wisconsin.  We learned a lot from the people who showed us how things work back then like simple machines the wheel and axle that was at the country. In the town we learn about Blacksmiths, General store, Wagon wheeler how they work in life. At Old World Wisconsin the girls wore dresses, sun bonnets, skirts, scarves, and the boys wore overalls, hats, farmer and regular worker shirts. On Wednesday all of us students cleaned the classroom nice and clean. Then we all watched a very good movie. On Thursday we enjoy mass, signing yearbooks, and our awards assembly.  Have a fabulous summer!

Friday, May 19, 2017

This week our class had a sensational time.On Tuesday and Thursday we did our Map testing, and it went really well. We are making quilt where each of us of made a square showing a scene from our Little House on the Prairie book.  Today we treated the fabric with the help of Mrs. Atkinson.  Then the seamstress will take our fabric squares and make them into a quilt.  In gym we played basketball and it was fun. On Friday Maura brought in a birthday treat, and it was delicious.  We enjoyed this week a lot.

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 5

This week was amazing. We did so many things.  On Thursday it was May 4th so it we did "May the Fourth Be With You." We had Star Wars music playing when we entered the room.  We also had our spring musical on Thursday and Friday. The play was great!  We all practiced so hard, and we were  happy that the play went well.   On Friday we did kick ball and the game was amazing.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Weekly Blog

This week was awesome! On Monday we had Spanish class and Music class. In Spanish class we learned about what we would bring to a beach in a suitcase. In Music class we practiced our song for our musical Kilroy was Here. We also picked out our Little House on the Prairie books. On Wednesday we had our curl-up test in gym class. There was a voice that told us when to curl up and down. The highest score you could go to was 75. On Thursday we had our push-up test in gym class. Again we had the voice that told us when to go down  and up. The part that was hard was that they made you stay down for like 2 seconds. You could also like the other test only go up to 75. The top three scores were Kaden-20, Austin-24, and John-54 in our class. We had Music class and also practices the songs for Kilroy was Here. Today, Friday we had V.I.P Day. Our day started with Mass, then our V.I.Ps went to the gym to watch a performance from Mrs. Turner. We played Jeopardy when our V.I.Ps cam back from the performance.  When we went on to some of our questions we got to sing the Pi song and the Continental Drift Alfred Wegener's Theory. Then we presented our Revolutionary War  projects to our class.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

On Monday we helped take apart candles and put them together for the Easter Vigil. On Tuesday we had team building with peeps.The contest was who could build the longest and sturdiest tower with  20 straws, 1 yard of tape, a piece of string, a peep and most importantly TEAMWORK! Also we did the labyrinth, The labyrinth is for people to pray for anyone or  anything. It also gets out any stress and nerves.  On Wednesday we had a pacer test, and the goal was 40. We also did a trunk lift. We also had wordly wise test and a math test. Tomorrow our social studies Revolutionary War project is due.  In science we are learning about simple machines. Tomorrow is an 11:30 dismissal.Overall this week was Amazing!!
By Olivia & Kaden

Friday, March 31, 2017

This week we had our Wisconsin Forward Testing.We did the math and English/ Language Arts part. Today we are having a pizza party from the teachers for our outstanding work on the tests. Our social studies projects are due April 13th. We are learning about important people from the Revolutionary War.  In science we are learning about Newton's laws of motion.
This week we made ABC stories. An ABC story is a story that every new sentence you have to go in alphabetical order.  We had to make an ABC story for a fairy tale that we chose.
In art we are starting to use paper mache. Last art class we put a bunch of newspaper together and put tape on it. This class we will put paper mache around it.
During Lent we are reading a book called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Every day we read one chapter and the day after we read we must answer a question for the chapter. Whoever has the right answer goes into a drawing to win a Jolly Rancher.
Remember earlier in the year when we read Wonder?  Now, every day the blogger must put up a new precept from the book 365 Days of Wonder, a book that has precepts for every day of the year. Today's precept is Life is like a roller coaster with all its ups and downs.
On the 13th of April we have a half day and we get out at 11:30  to begin our spring break. In May we have our Spring program.
Pedro and Kaden                                                          

Friday, March 24, 2017

This week was amazing, because we had a great adventure.We went to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry! Our favorite parts were the You Experience and the U-505 Submarine. We also went through the mirror maze.  We began an ABC story in English class. We are starting a big project in social studies on the Revolutionary War.  We are going to be choosing Revolutionary War heroes and making a display board about them.  It is due on April 13.
In science we started a new chapter about forces and motion.  We will learn about Newton's Laws of Motion.  We are also reading a class book called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  
by Ethan, Austin, and George